50 former research beagles will go from LAB to LOVE in 2025 – with your help!
CRA tax receipts will be issued in February 2025.
U.S. tax-deductible donations issued by Global Giving.
Most will agree that animal testing will not end overnight, but also agree that AI is a promising avenue for sifting through data, determining chemical toxicity, and even creating new drugs.
The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is the regulatory body in Canada overseeing the care of animals in research.
A big step forward for the Atlantic Veterinary College who are now working towards using methods that do not require animals.
We are thrilled to be partnered with GlobalGiving allowing our incredible supporters in the U.S. to receive a tax-deductible donation! It also gives us a global platform for our LAB to LOVE mission!
Boris is now being doted on by the incredible veterinary team at University Veterinary Center in Anaheim, CA
Boris spent his first years in a laboratory testing facility before being adopted. Sadly much of his health issues are related to severe neglect.
Lori Cohen, Executive Director of The Beagle Alliance, speaking about the Envigo Release at the North American Animal Law Conference 2023 in Toronto.
June 2023 – Health Canada Announces the End of Cosmetic Animal Testing in Canada
Thank you to Dana and Eric Margolis for their initial donation of $500,000 and for their continued support of $50,000 allowing us to operate the only charity in Canada dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals in testing facilities and other situations of extreme cruelty, bringing them safety, love and freedom.
PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin