It Takes a Village...


The Beagle Alliance is pleased to partner with the following organizations:

Pet Rescue Pilots Logo

Barc’s Rescue

Helping dogs in high kill shelters and bad situations find incredible, warm, and loving homes in Canada.

Cage to Couch Logo

Cage to Couch

Cage to Couch focuses on securing the release of animals from laboratories and placing them in loving homes, as well as saving other animals who have suffered cruelty, abuse, neglect, and abandonment, rescuing from shelters those with special needs and forgotten seniors.

Save the Buns

Save the Buns

Whose goal is to provide sanctuary or adoption to rabbits who have been or are intended to be used in animal experimentation.

Humane Canada | Animaux Canada Logo

Humane Canada

Proud Humane Canada Associate, Canada’s Federation of SPCAs and Humane Societies

PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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