50 former research beagles will go from LAB to LOVE in 2025 – with your help!
CRA tax receipts will be issued in February 2025.
U.S. tax-deductible donations issued by Global Giving.
Welcome to our special dedication page. We thank everyone who donated in honour/memory of their loved one.
Please stay awhile and read the tributes – you may need a tissue!
Hank just turned 1 and his parents and our friends, Kristy and Matt, had their friends and family donate to us in lieu of gifts. We are so humbled and grateful – here is the adorable Hank sporting our merch haha! Thank you so much Kirkham family for your generosity and support. Xoxo
Sweet Murphy is an Envigo breeding facility survivor. His family said that we could write about him because “We can’t think of just one or two good things :)”. What we know of Murphy from his family is that this dog entered into love – with love and they have been helping in the healing process together.
Dedicated by Mandy & Family with TBA
Sweet Ajax was a very gentle and loving soul to all he met. He was alway happy to see anyone that would visit or see on our walks. Jaxer loved his snacks and would do many of his tricks for a treat anytime. His favorite trick was to dance and bounce up and down on his front legs.
Ajax always knew when people needed help. He would put his head on your lap until you were better. He even let special needs children learn how to pet him without a fuss at all. He was my training partner for a Kidney March and was able to walk up to 10km with me.
Everyone loved Ajax and he loved them right back. There is so much more I could say but most of all he was my Buddy Old Pal and Lifelong Chumeroo!
Run Free Sweet Beagle.
Love, your family
My Two Angels – Beryl, my beloved wife, and I met too late in life to have human children, so Karma was our fur baby. I called her my “dog-ter”. Beryl was jealous of the attention that Karma got, often referring to her (lovingly) as “Mrs. Dog”. But I don’t think she would have had it any other way!
Sadly, both are gone now but never forgotten. I miss them both dearly.
Run Free Sweet Beagle.
Love, your family
Buddy, my best friend for 14 years, no longer by my side but forever in my heart.
~ Jessie
In loving memory of our angels
~ Mike and Lina Machel
My grandpa was an animal and nature lover. He would have hated hearing the conditions these animals are being kept in and would have been thrilled to help in any way.
The quote that he always said whenever there was hard times was, “It’s all part of growing up”.
~ Mandy
It’s been over six years without her, but I still think of her every day and just her memory is enough to fill me with love.
~ S. Ooi
In loving memory of Dallas, our special angel whom we loved so much and had the honour of sharing our lives with for 16 wonderful years. We will always be deeply saddened by her passing. Though 16 years may seem old to some, it wasn’t nearly long enough for us.
Dallas was always excited to meet every single person and dog we came across on our daily walks. She took a special interest in meeting other Beagles! The joy she showed when the grandkids would come over was unmatched. However, after a couple of hours, she was ready to return to her routine and was content to see them leave.
We never needed to check the clock because Dallas had one built-in. She knew exactly when it was feeding time, and she always waited by the window for me to come home— the highlight of her day! At 9 PM sharp, she would head upstairs, signalling that it was bedtime, and she expected us to follow.
We feel incredibly lucky to have had Dallas in our lives, but saying goodbye has been extremely hard. We love and miss her every day. ❤️
Love, Mama & Papa
In memory of sweet Copper and Angel, whose lives have blessed the family with whom they spent their days. We know that Jessica and her family will miss them dearly. We hope their memory lives on in the lives who can be impacted by this donation in their honour.
~ With deepest sympathies
Le-Anh and Jenny
Elliot was a kind and gentle soul who never wanted to be alone. He hung out in a back pack when we fished, hiked and snowmobiled.
He died of pancreatitis when he was 13 years old.
~ S. Foster
Hector was my father. He was a veterinarian in Cuba, but when he came here in 1959 was unable to revalidate his license, as the money he made was to feed the family. Nevertheless, he instilled a love of all animals in me, and it is in his memory that I donate to organizations as yours. Thank you for the good work you do.
~ L. Sierra
To say Journey was sweet is truly an understatement – she was a pin-up girl, a submissive – but with clear boundaries. Journey was left for dead in a ditch in northern Manitoba, docked tail, 3 months old. We adopted her into our family, our beagle was thrilled, and she became our baby girl.
I will miss you on the pillow beside me, every morning you were my wake up call, the paw on my hand, face to face.
We love you sweet girl. Xoxo
Who knew that a dog could have such a wonderful sense of humour and this girl had it in spades.
She was an absolute delight and we miss her dearly.
Love always, B. Nicholson
I have always loved dogs my entire life, but Loki had a very profound impact on me and never experienced a dog like him. He was adopted as a pound hound and had medical issues like epilepsy and hypothyroidism and was on quite a bit of medication. Although he made the best of life and was just a big love. Two things that stuck out to me about him was one day watching him one morning in the backyard not knowing I was there and seeing him just sitting in the grass as the sun shined down on him and him just watching the birds. Kinda like an old man on a park bench
The second thing I remember is a butterfly landing on his nose and he didn’t do a thing. He was a ham and had a very distinct personality for a dog, very human like, everybody loved him.
Loki passed away on 9/29/2017 and was probably the most difficult day in my life. But he would want me to be happy and help his brothers and sisters out there, I know that in my heart.
I would want Loki to be known for his gentleness, his huge heart and his ability to love all things great and small. He was a kind dog and loved everything and everyone, and despite his medical conditions he was as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside.
C. Twelves
In loving memory of Lucy Boss. She is loved beyond measure by her family of humans and the furry quadrupeds who believe they are humans. Missed but never forgotten. Run free sweet Lucy Loo.
Dedicated by Le-Anh
Thanks for being such a bright light for all your friends around the world. I will always remember you for how much you love snow, so I hope it’s winter in heaven and you are running around having fun.
Thanks for teaching your mommy and daddy what unconditional love is. They are forever grateful for getting to share life with you.
Know that you’ll never be forgotten, you’ll always live in our hearts.
We love you forever.
Dedicated by S. Grey
This is Sasha, the best friend of Frankie, a rescue beagle who had given up on trusting other dogs, but he could not resist her spunk and desire to have fun. Sasha was the faithful and loving fur baby for 13 years to my sister and her family. She crossed the rainbow bridge May 30, 2022 and though our hearts are sad, the memories of all our fun times bring us smiles.
Dedicated by C. Sinkowski
She was the best girl. This is the last picture of her, she was 17.
Dedicated by A. Joley
Dear B! you were an icon in our world. You bounded around, you walked on the backs of furniture and you landed where no canine could possibly land. You were the focus of everything. Nothing was impossible for you B! You entered people’s hearts and you stayed. Your very existence changed the trajectory of my life B! You changed my world and I promise to change the world because of you.
Thank you for being my unconditional love. I love you B!
PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin