50 former research beagles will go from LAB to LOVE in 2025 – with your help!
CRA tax receipts will be issued in February 2025.
U.S. tax-deductible donations issued by Global Giving.
Many Canadians are unaware that animal testing happens in Canada and that there are alternatives.
The Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods is closing it’s doors because of a lack of funding.
We encourage dedicated and long-term funding to the CCAAM and recognition as the national hub for developing, validating, and promoting NAMs. The CCAAM has received no public funding to date and because of this, has recently shut down.
The response to diseases, drugs, and treatments is different in animals and humans and so animal testing presents with serious limitations.
Non-animal methods are now more efficient and effective, as well as less expensive!
The Beagle Alliance advocates for non-animal use in science.
Suffering would end for animals, more effective treatments for disease would be available for humans, and if governments chose to grant funding based on the changeover to this model, private and public facilities would benefit monetarily and with greater staff retention. Then, the animal care workers could heal from the trauma of constant exposure to animal trauma.
This is compassion. This is growth. This is positive societal change.
Human cells can be grown in a laboratory, even as 3D structures, like human organs, which new treatments can be tested on. Human cells are used to make “organs-on-chips” and can be used to study diseases and how drugs work.
Cell cultures have been central to key developments in areas such as cancers, sepsis, kidney disease and AIDS, and are routinely used in chemical safety testing, vaccine production and drug development.
New technology means that computer models can be used to predict how drugs will interact in the body and therefore can replace the use of animals.
Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) is computer-based technique used to look at chemical compounds and their relationship t biological activities. QSAR modeling is said to be essential for drug discovery and can replace animal testing.
Human Tissue: Donating both healthy and diseased tissues after surgery or post-mortem provides an alternative way to studying disease.
Microdosing: Volunteers are given very small doses of potentially new drugs to measure how they react in the body.
Diagnostic Imaging: Machines that safely study and record the brain so that comparative studies of healthy and diseased tissue can be done without invasive testing on animal “subjects”.
Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods
Cruelty Free International
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Canadian Council on Animal Care
Also contact your local MPs to discuss this matter – Member Lookup Here
To give former research animals more years outside of the cage than inside and to give animals from situations of harm and neglect a second chance at life.
To advocate for non-animal use in science and build a community that believes that animals CAN go from LAB to LOVE!
To see the end of animal testing.
We absolutely cannot do this without generous people like you!
PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin