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Six Innocent Lives Saved from Testing Laboratory

Beau Hank Jake Leo Roscoe and Theo, Beagles rescued from animal testing

On May 10, 2023 The Beagle Alliance and Cage to Couch Rescue partnered with BARCs Rescue Calgary to save the lives of 6 beagles from laboratory testing!

These boys have spent years in confinement and are now taking their first steps towards their families where they will be loved for the rest of their lives.

One of Six Beagles Rescued from Testing Laboratory
One of Six Beagles Rescued from Testing Laboratory

It is our mission to offer animals in testing facilities safety, love and freedom and to advocate for non-animal use in research.

Over 10,000 dogs are used in testing in Canada each year and even though these survivors are not from a Canadian laboratory, they will be ambassadors for those who remain in testing facilities across this country.

Animal testing is expensive and ineffective – there are alternatives and these alternatives will save the lives of animals and humans.

You can make a difference. Support our mission. Get involved.

Letter Writing Campaign

Let the laboratories know that we don’t want them to use animals for testing, and to find alternatives in order to continue their work.

Your Support Counts

We are funded by donations, grants and fundraisers.

PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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