50 former research beagles will go from LAB to LOVE in 2025 – with your help!
CRA tax receipts will be issued in February 2025.
U.S. tax-deductible donations issued by Global Giving.
Our mission: to secure the release of 50 former research beagles from animal testing facilities in the U.S. and bring them back home to Canada in 2025.
Join Brenda and Lori Cohen as the Good Trouble in Canada Rescue continues! Discover the rescue journey of six beagles and more.
Join The Beagle Alliance on a heartfelt adventure as the team rescues 10 former research beagles. Learn about the “Good Trouble” in Canada, and how you can help! Watch, share, and support!
LAB To LOVE Tour – 10 former research dogs – many borders – amazing fosters and supporters!
Charlie and Lucy have been detained by the lab indefinitely.
Boris is now being doted on by the incredible veterinary team at University Veterinary Center in Anaheim, CA
Boris spent his first years in a laboratory testing facility before being adopted. Sadly much of his health issues are related to severe neglect.
Linus and Schroeder were rescued from a research laboratory and are now in Southern California. The Beagle Alliance is taking applications from Southern California to British Columbia.
Canadians are welcoming three more survivors of animal testing into The Beagle Alliance rescue. They will be fostered until they find their forever home.
10 beagles from laboratory testing are now safe and free because a village of people came together to help The Beagle Alliance, along with our rescue partner Cage to Couch, bring them home. (July 2023)
PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin