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Ten Sweet Lives Saved from Laboratory Research

Rescued Beagle First Ball Play

The Beagle Alliance was blessed to rescue 10 beagles from a laboratory along with our rescue partner Cage To Couch.

Slowly adjusting to a world outside of being poked, prodded and handled, these beautiful souls still shy away from a gentle hand and a soft voice. THEY ARE TRAUMATIZED.

Animal testing happens everywhere – yes even in Canada – and yields results that are less than expected in terms of treatments and cures, leaving behind a trail of PTSD and anxiety not only for the animals but also for the animal care workers.

This week, instead of being euthanized after study, which is common practice, especially in Canada, we were able to offer 10 beagle boys a second chance at a life and one that all dogs deserve.

This week, these boys will have a chance to play, have a toy, feel a soft touch, sleep in a bed, and walk on grass.

This week, these sweet beagles will experience safety, freedom, and love!

It takes so much to finally see the rewards of a rescue and relationships are key. The laboratory needs to agree to release the beagles, documents are signed, and legalities adhered to. Rescue partners come together and volunteer angels rally to transport, foster and donate to medical care.

When a rescue happens, it appears easy and calm and planned to perfection. Not always so. There are so many moving parts and so many that must align to finally be driving to safety with 10 beagles and not going to lie – sometimes at the 11th hour a lab calls you and says NO – and you cry and you yell and you get up again the next day and start over – because their lives are worth it – and you have to keep trying.

Lori Cohen, Director of Operations for The Beagle Alliance, was interviewed by Morgan Modjeski of CityNews, Winnipeg on the road home. SEE MORE

One of Six Beagles Rescued from Testing Laboratory

Beagles are used because they are forgiving, docile and fit easily into a cage. They should hate us humans – but instead they offer forgiveness and eventually trust. They can teach us more about being human than any other.

Over 10,000 dogs were used in research in Canada in 2021 – that we know of – and one beagle at a time can change that.

We will change that!

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Name: Blue Breed: Beagle Gender: Male Age: 3 Years Color: Tri-Colored Location: Winnipeg, ManitobaLaboratory Testing SurvivorLoves to snuggle and is learning how to walk. Great with other dogs and is very curious.Thank youPHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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Name: Bandit Breed: Beagle Gender: Male Age: 3 Years Color: Tri-Colored Location: Winnipeg, ManitobaLaboratory Testing SurvivorSettling into safety and freedom, this guy is chill and loves a snack or two - even if he has to take it for himself!Thank youPHOTO CREDIT:...

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Name: Astro Breed: Beagle Gender: Male Age: 3 Years Color: Tri-Colored Location: Winnipeg, ManitobaLaboratory Testing SurvivorAstro is quite shut down and scared, although finally did some “zoomies” with another dog friend. He is coming around to trusting slowly and...

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Name: Comet Breed: Beagle Gender: Male Age: 3 Years Color: Tri-Colored Location: Winnipeg, ManitobaLaboratory Testing SurvivorComet is very timid, but beginning to feel more comfortable and starting to learn how to play. Comet is very sweet and gets along great with...

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Letter Writing Campaign

Let the laboratories know that we don’t want them to use animals for testing, and to find alternatives in order to continue their work.

Cute beagle puppies on Valentine's Day Card
Love Letter Contest

Your Support Counts

We are funded by donations, grants and fundraisers.

PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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