50 former research beagles will go from LAB to LOVE in 2025 – with your help!
CRA tax receipts will be issued in February 2025.
U.S. tax-deductible donations issued by Global Giving.
Annual General Meeting 2024-2025
The Beagle Alliance was delighted to welcome Donna Middleton to explain how stress, toxins and diet can affect the gut-brain connection and offer suggestions on how to rebuild the gut health and reduce anxiety in our dogs.
Donna Middleton, ACCN, established Head to Tail Canine Nutrition in 2013 and received certification as an Advanced Certified Canine Nutritionist. Her education has been an ongoing passion. Donna believes nutrition is the foundation of health and strongly believes in Dr Linus Pauling’s famous quote “Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food”. With this in mind, she has sought out different types of food supplements to aid in improving animal health and has developed her own line of medicinal mushrooms.
***Disclaimer: Donna is not a veterinarian and her suggestions are not intended as, or to replace, medical advice and is for educational purposes. She does not make any claims to cure disease or illness. Please consult your veterinarian for any medical advice.
Learn more about Head to Tail Canine Nutrition
PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin