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Dogs as the Gateway for Change in Canada

Beagles Released to Foster Homes from Canadian Vet College

It was another incredible year and another incredible conference highlighting the animals in Canada.

We were thrilled to be given the opportunity to sponsor and speak at the From Lab to Liberation: Stories and Strategies for Ending Animal Research panel alongside Rachelle Hansen of Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary and Dr. Charu Chandrasekera, one of the most inspiring and experienced researchers in animal free science.

Our topic was about our collective love for dogs in this country and how we believe that the power of that love can spark change and help spread awareness about animals in research. We encourage you to listen – and be inspired to go out there and talk about these special animals.

Again, all of the former research beagles we have had the honour of placing into loving homes have been released from U.S. facilities – simply because the Canadian facilities are not bound by law to release to us. It is our goal to work with these facilities and while YES, we do advocate for animal free science, our heart lies with seeing the eligible animals in research go on to live more years outside of the cage than inside!

A huge thank you to Camille Labchuk and the incredible team at Animal Justice, including Kaitlyn Mitchell and Sarah Janson, for or having us speak again this year, as well as the Robert and Judith Clark Foundation for Animal Rights, who continue to be a Gold Sponsor for this event. Thanks also to all who attended and are passionate about the welfare of animals in this country. We are so grateful for your support.

Lori Cohen
Executive Director, Founder

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PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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