It is with deep sadness that we let you know that Charlie and Lucy have been detained by the lab indefinitely.
We have little information as we were not privy to the facility holding them.
We, along with our rescue partners, were simply told that they would not be releasing them as promised at the end of March.
We share this, because we want to tell you the truth of course, but also because it is vital that everyone know what kind of tightrope we walk on. We are literally at times, at the mercy of the laboratories who hold and use these dogs.
We also want you to know that as we take a moment to grieve, to cry, to honour them and pray for them, we also strengthen our resolve to save them.
“We have not given up on Lucy and Charlie, and as devastatingly sad and angering as this moment is, it proves how important this mission is. We simply will not stop until we make more people aware and make it possible for more animals to go on to live as many beautiful years in freedom and safety as possible after research.” ~ Lori Cohen, Executive Director
Thank you to all who applied to foster and adopt. We keep all applications on file forever and will not forget you.
In the meantime, we encourage you to reach out to us should you like to talk. Coming together helps – and we are here.
Sending love.
After we originally posted we received so many positive comments about transparency and the need to share Charlie and Lucy’s story. Thank you for your prayers and support as we attempt to work in hopes of securing their eventual release. We have had many inquiries as to what laboratory they are in and what we have for contact information. We appreciate your desire to speak out and help, however although we do have a network of amazing people advocating for them, The Beagle Alliance and our rescues partners have not been told what facility they are in.
Please keep sharing and speaking out – Charlie and Lucy’s story is so very important, as is the story of all animals in research.
Thank you.