Get Involved

How You Can Help
Become a VolunteerMake a Donation
Take In

Foster or Adopt

Animals with special needs come with incredible gifts, and as a foster or adopter, you are a very important part of their freedom and future!

Show Up

Be a Volunteer

The work and dedication of our volunteers will allow us to rescue animals from horrific situations and give them loving and caring homes.

Give Back

Make a Donation

Your generosity allows us to continue to give animals a second chance. No amount is too small and every donation is deeply appreciated. On behalf of the animals we’ve helped and will help, we want to thank all who have given so generously to support our mission.

Speak Up

Spread the Word

Advocating for alternatives to animal use in science and in research and promoting cruelty free living is the first step to making a difference for animals in Canada.

Commenting on, liking and sharing our social media posts with your circle and asking your circle to share with each of their circles will help us raise awareness. Help us build a Canada-wide community of like-minded people!

PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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