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Town Hall

Town Hall with Special Guest Shane Stanis, Mighty Mutts

Shane Stanis, Mighty Mutts Dog Training



The Beagle Alliance


Free Online Event

Town Hall with Special Guest Shane Stanis, Mighty Mutts

Talking Dog: Signs of Stress

The Beagle Alliance is thrilled to have Shane Stanis, CDBC, CPDT-KSA, Behavioural Consultant and Founder of Mighty Mutts Dog Training. Shane has 20 years of experience working with special needs dogs.

Shane will go over both the obvious stress signals, such as shaking or hiding, as well as the more subtle cues that many of us may miss. He will discuss body language cues and review some common signs or symptoms of trauma related triggers and PTSD.

A number of our fosters and adopters have met with Shane and now have incredible tools to work with the individual needs of their dog – most of which are former research beagles. Shane is The Beagle Alliance’s “go-to” consultant when we, our dogs and our fosters and adopters need a little extra support and understanding of the specific behaviours of our best friends.

Please join us – you will not to be disappointed – we encourage anyone wanting to, or already working, living and loving a special needs dog to join in – and of course those who would like to foster or adopt a former research dog going forward – this evening will be invaluable!

PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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