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Community Event

Kinsmen – Featured Charity August 2024

Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo Winnipeg

Kinsmen – Featured Charity August 2024

The Beagle Alliance is one of the featured charities for Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo in Winnipeg for the entire month of August!

This means that we will share in a portion of the tickets sold ONLINE ONLY throughout all of August. All transactions that occur between August 1st and August 30th are eligible! Use and share this link: – Buy your bingo cards now! Choose The Beagle Alliance as your charity of choice.

On August 10th, we will featured on the weekly broadcast of Kinsmen – so make sure you watch! Thank you Kinsmen and thank you Manitoba!


  1. ONLINE purchases only are applied.
  2. All purchases in August ONLINE, even for September tickets apply.
  3. Choose The Beagle Alliance from the dropdown menu online!
  4. We will be featured “ON-AIR” on August 10th, 2024.

PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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