50 former research beagles will go from LAB to LOVE in 2025 – with your help!
CRA tax receipts will be issued in February 2025.
U.S. tax-deductible donations issued by Global Giving.
The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) is the regulatory body in Canada overseeing the care of animals in research.
Membership is voluntary meaning that private laboratories need not become members or follow their guidelines. Also meaning that the number of animals reported to be used in science is greater than what we are told.
As much as we want to see the end of animal use in research, it is very important to acknowledge the reality – that there are animals who need care and could be released after study – to go on and live the way we have proven our sweet survivors can live – in safety, love and freedom. THEY CAN LITERALLY GO FROM LAB TO LOVE.
It is the goal of The Beagle Alliance to work with the CCAC and facilities so that while we advocate for non-animal use in science, we also offer loving homes to as many animals as possible.
For more information on the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) you can visit their website here.
PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin