Town Hall

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Andrew Fenton, Animal Ethics Expert

Event Date: July 13, 2022  

The Beagle Alliance is thankful for our guest speaker, Animal Ethics Expert, Associate Professor of Dalhousie University to The Beagle Alliance Town Hall #2 on July 13, 2022.

There are positive developments happening for research animals in Canada! A new draft by the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) could mean the release of animals in laboratories across this country. We want to be ready to give them the freedom and love they so deserve! Associate Professor at Dalhousie University and expert in animal ethics, Andrew will delve further into the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) guidelines. We want to have a better understanding of the current and possible future for animal testing survivors in Canada, so that together as a community we can create a roadmap for change.

The Beagle Alliance exists to release, rehabilitate and re-home animals from laboratories and situations of abuse and neglect, as well as to educate so that change happens. Testing on beagles and other animals is prevalent and has gone on with minimal to no federal legislation or regulation in Canada.

Guest Speaker: Andrew Fenton, Associate Professor, Dalhousie University

Andrew Fenton Links –

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PHOTO CREDIT: Artem Beliaikin

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